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Raise a Glass to Women Who Lead the Way! Enjoy the Game Changer Gimlet Cocktail Kit and support a great cause—$5 from each purchase benefits the VOICEINSPORT Foundation.

Michelle Jones, Wayfinding College

Michelle is doing her life's work right now with Wayfinding College. Her purpose in life is to help others figure out what they want to do with their lives and start doing it. Five years ago, she gathered a group of like-minded friends and colleagues around a vision of what a revolution in higher education could look like. After years of volunteering with groups and non-profits to organize for social impact, (SuperThank, TEDxMtHood, World Domination Summit) Michelle took the leap and Wayfinding College was born. Learning as they grow, Wayfinding College is seeing some ripple effects of change in higher education. When not ruffling the feathers of traditional higher education, Michelle can be found walking the Camino de Santiago with fellow Wayfinders (next spring will be her eighth time!) or relaxing at her tiny home in Portland, Oregon.

Freeland Spirits Bees Knees Fresh Cocktail

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