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Raise a Glass to Women Who Lead the Way! Enjoy the Game Changer Gimlet Cocktail Kit and support a great cause—$5 from each purchase benefits the VOICEINSPORT Foundation.

Leslie Lee, The Soul Box Project

Meet Leslie Lee, a true Free Spirit. Leslie founded The Soul Box Project to raise awareness of the US gunfire epidemic through art. In less than 2 years, 66,000 Soul Boxes, hand folded origami boxes, have been collected from all over the country. Soul Boxes, representing 2 months of US gunfire deaths and injuries, are on display at @hatchlabpdx through mid-October. The Tasting Room featured Leslie’s cocktail, The Soul Shine, benefiting The Soul Box Project.

The Soul Shine
1 oz Freeland Geneva
1 oz @portlandsyrups Root Beer syrup
.75 oz lemon
.5 oz Bonal

Shake all ingredients and double strain over a large ice cube into a rocks glass. Top with sparkling water. We use a ginger/lemon/orange ice cube. Want to learn how? Come to the Tasting Room and ask for a demo.

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