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Raise a Glass to Women Who Lead the Way! Enjoy the Game Changer Gimlet Cocktail Kit and support a great cause—$5 from each purchase benefits the VOICEINSPORT Foundation.

Chris Otis, Smart Reading

Cheers to our December Free Spirit, Chris Otis! Chris is the Executive Director of SMART, Start Making a Reader Today, which provides books and reading support to 12,000 low-income students across Oregon and supports educators who are in the thick of distance learning. When COVID hit and SMART's 5,000 volunteers couldn't go into schools, SMART built a virtual reading platform from scratch. And after schools closed last March, SMART still got 33,000 new books into the hands of kids. Thank you Chris, and all of the educators supporting our students right now. You're all heroes.

Freeland Spirit Cranberry Whiskey Sour Cocktail

In honor of Chris, a percentage of proceeds from the Cranberry Whiskey Sour cocktail kit will go to SMART.

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