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Raise a Glass to Women Who Lead the Way! Enjoy the Game Changer Gimlet Cocktail Kit and support a great cause—$5 from each purchase benefits the VOICEINSPORT Foundation.

Caitlin Polis, American Nurse’s Foundation COVID Response Fund

Caitlin has been a nurse here in Portland for almost seven years and as an advocate and historian, she is passionate about supporting all the front line caregivers in this truly unprecedented time. The work being done by our caregivers has been under a spotlight for more than a year and it is time to recognize the truly incredible work that goes on every single day, with and without a pandemic! Being a nurse is an incredible vocation and Caitlin is honored to be able to carry on the legacy. 

Freeland Spirit Cocktail made with Freeland Bourbon

Caitlin chose the American Nurse’s Foundation’s Coronavirus Relief Fund as her nonprofit of choice. They are working to provide support for nurses across four tiers: mental health support, financial assistance to nurses facing hardships due to COVID diagnoses, expanding access to scientific resources for self and patient health, and bolstering advocacy for nurses and patients alike.

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