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Raise a Glass to Women Who Lead the Way! Enjoy the Game Changer Gimlet Cocktail Kit and support a great cause—$5 from each purchase benefits the VOICEINSPORT Foundation.

Abby Guyer, Executive Director of Xcelerate Women in Portland, OR smiling at Freeland Spirits tasting room & distillery while holding bottle of Forest Gin and Passion Potion fresh cocktail mixer

Abby Guyer, Xcelerate Women

Meet our first Free Spirit of 2024 Abby Guyer! Abby is the Executive Director of Xcelerate Women, a non-profit that provides services and programs to help women business owners to grow by building economic power. She is a creative strategist and brand builder with a passion for authentically creating social and cultural impacts in the community. Abby is an advocate for self-efficacy, who strives to impart on members of Xcelerate the confidence and skills to realize they are each in control of their own destiny.

Bringing her strong marketing background to a non-profit leadership role, Abby is looking to “change the face of success and business”; meaning that success doesn’t look the same for everyone. Xcelerate works with women to set their own benchmarks tailored to the type of business and lifestyle they aspire to. In 2023 alone, Xcelerate has worked closely with and impacted 181 women-and-gender expansive-owned businesses while collectively employing 537 Oregonians. Workshops and mentoring within the program are conducted by professionals in a variety of specialized fields including hospitality, tech, food & beverage, health & wellness, and more.

We admire Abby & Xcelerate’s work to create long lasting and sustainable growth for women in business in our community!  Raise a glass with us in celebration off all that they do to amplify these voices. Throughout the current quarter, a portion of the proceeds of the sales of our Passion Potion Fresh Mixer Kit will go to benefit Xcelerate. We will also be hosting an event in Abby’s honor at our tasting room in NW Portland, keep an eye out for the announcement!

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